Note: Ensure that you have successfully integrated your e-commerce website with the Brand Management Platform. Find out more about how to integrate here.
Brands that are integrated via our Shopify, Magento, or WooCommerce integrations can request new listings if the products meet the following criteria:
- Has received a review via the automated product review invitations
- Is a product that consumers typically spend time researching about before committing to a purchase (i.e. not an accessory or small ticket item like socks or jewellery)
If the product in question meets the two requirements above, you may request this product to be listed on by following the steps below:
Step 1:
Log into your Brand Management Dashboard and navigate to your e-commerce platform catalog.
Step 2:
Click 'Link with a listing' and the 'Request a new listing' button to fill in the form for the product you'd like to list.
Note: Final approval related to whether or not the product will ultimately be listed is made by the Data Team. If approved, listings are typically created within 2-3 business days and reviews are automatically assigned to this listing.