Please make sure you read our Posting Guidelines before you report a review.
If you believe a post does not meet our Posting Guidelines, you should report it. Be detailed and objective as to why you think the post needs to be removed. The more evidence you provide the easier it is for us to assess your report.
To report a review, question, or comment, click More in the bottom right-hand corner of the post you wish to report and then select Report.
Although we won't be able to reply to every request, rest assured that we investigate every one of them.
You can view all the reports you have made in the Tickets section of the Brand Management Platform. Make sure you have 'Flags' selected under 'Type', to filter tickets accordingly. In the Flagged Content section, you can do the following:
- View the reports you've made and their status (Processed - Yes or No).
- Reply to our Content Team regarding a specific report.
- Close a report. You can do this by clicking the green 'Mark as processed' button at the top right of a report page.
Note: Due to the large number of requests we receive, it may take up to 5 business days to process your report. Our paid Brand Management Platform subscribers receive priority support, where requests are aimed to be completed within 1 business day.
When making a report, please ensure that you keep the report confidential. Informing a reviewer or publicising that you are reporting them may cause disruptions in processing your report.